Saturday, January 13, 2018

Is Meep City Getting Worse? (PART ONE)

Hi guys, FrenchLobster here. So.. Is Meep City getting worse?

I feel like it is because of the changes and such it got recently, although I DO like the game, yes, I feel like it's slowly decreasing in quality. Let's talk about why.

One of the first reasons that comes to mind is parties. At first when this feature was released, it was pretty sweet! You were able to chat and make new friends on Roblox even more! But like my math teacher always says: "Somebody always ruins it" And that's what happened.

Players started hosting parties that were breaking Roblox rules. ODing parties, "Free Robux!" parties, you name it. Even the titles of the party names were NSFW sometimes too! That's why the first thing MC did was remove the option to add a party name. After that, it got even worse..

Soon, even after they removed the name your party feature, players continued the chaos. How? Well, they used items in MC for.. bad reasons. They used beds for NSFW RP, drawing boards for NSFW drawings, it was hectic.

AND THEN MC removed some of those items, along with others that weren't even used for NSFW purposes? Like seriously. It's like removing a box because you think that somebody's gonna use it for NSFW reasons. Really?!

Hmm.. seems as if this is getting a bit long. You know what? I'll make a part 2. Yeah, a part 2. Have you had any weird experiences at MC parties? Let me know in the comments, I'll be happy to respond! (CHANGING END-POST FORMAT)



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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Why Did Roblox Remove The Forums?

Hello fellow players of Roblox! FrenchLobster here, and is it weird that Roblox hasn't told us why they removed the forums? I mean, sure it might be due to some reasons, but it's kinda strange. That's why in this post, I'll list multiple theories about why Roblox could've taken the forums down. Comment your favorite one and why, I'll be sure to respond!

1. Online Dating Threads, Troll Threads, etc.

This one might be the most reasonable, but I think that they removed the forums because of threads that were jokes or NSFW. It's probably the same reason why Roblox removed the power to comment on games too. 

2. The Forums Weren't Active.

To be honest, I thought the forums were pretty slow too. Maybe due to less players posting each day, they decided that they wouldn't really need it anymore, although the Roblox community got pretty mad about it, still. 

3. Promoting Their Blog.

They could've removed the forums because they wanted to advertise their blog more. This might be true considering that they mention 2 of the blogs they own on the error message. (Yes, I count the forum as a blog.)

That's all the theories that were in my head at the moment. If they did tell us all why, please comment and possibly post a screenshot of the post they made about it. If not, let's hope we can dig deeper into this mystery..

TWITTER: @bowtolordszin
GOOGLE+: Lemon Cringe
ROBLOX: FrenchLobster

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MeepCity Updates: Smooth Moving + Gift Feature

Hello fellow players of Roblox! FrenchLobster here, and have you guys noticed anything in MeepCity? That's right, they added smooth furniture moving!

That's right. You might have not noticed, but basically, now when moving your furniture items, it's more smoother and gives you more abilities to move it any spot you want. Though I might be late on this, it's amazing and I hope MeepCity can improve on this in the future.

Another thing I want to talk about is the new gifting feature, where you can gift any of your MeepCity friends an item of your choice! This update is super convenient because I know some people in MeepCity are really good friends, and would like to give each other items! 

My only compliant about this is that they should make it where you can gift anybody on the server you're on. But all aside, it's still cool!

Overall, these 2 things were pretty cool and I can't wait to see what other things MeepCity has in store for us all! 

TWITTER: @bowtolordszin
GOOGLE+: Lemon Cringe
ROBLOX: FrenchLobster

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